
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

chouch1/29/2009 11:31:12 pm PST

re: #56 Walter L. Newton

No one needs it. I’m not sure why we have prisons in general. I mean, we could just talk nicely to all those guys and ask them if we send them home, will they promise not to go back out and do something nasty, like killing Americans.

I’ll have to ask that guy in Yemen, the one who went public last week, the one who is now the head of Al-queda in Yemem, the one we released last year and sent to Saudi Arabia, and they were going to rehabilitate him.

No, we don’t really need it.

You jerk.

I won’t pretend I have any idea what you are talking about.

But I do love Yemenite women. They are hot.. and they cook great food. There is this stoner place in Jerusalem called Yemenite Delight that serves very fattening food, mostly this stuff called Malawach.