
What Right Wing Extremists?

Randall Gross10/15/2009 2:05:26 pm PDT

Here’s the comment Gimbel left on the City Forum that caused the earlier arrest:

Just got a $5 parking ticket. The Crescent City piggy-wiggly that gave it to me left a little over-zealous.
That’s a drag. I am hereby deputizing all the citizens of Crescent City to fix up some of the f*ck up
piggos. Grab those hi-powered deer rifles, each and every, and get in groups of 50 and more and go breeze
away to dust the skull of the policy chief.
Make an example of that scum. That should do it for awhile. However, if any other piggos down at the
station give you crap on this or get in the way, then blow their skulls off, too.