
The Cain-Gingrich Endorsement

kirkspencer1/29/2012 10:11:46 am PST

re: #634 blueraven

The problem is that OWS has no real leaders. No one to speak for them. Did OWS really condone free Manning, or did code pink and a few other anti war groups?

The Occupy strategy was flawed from the beginning. It allowed anyone and everyone to speak for them. Now that the peaceful group has dispersed, the radicals have pretty much taken over. Yes, there are still real protesters with real concerns, but the message and the movement has been co-opted.

That said, I do think the initial message of money in politics and income inequality has had an effect.

Not sure it was flawed. It depends on what the intent was.

If the intent was to build a groundswell of awareness and support, it wasn’t flawed. That it also built a vocal opposition was inevitable.

If the intent was to force the subject into the national conversation even when OWS wasn’t there, it succeeded. Romney’s had to address it, as has Gingrich. Obama’s referenced the subject. The subject of inequality is no longer an ignored elephant in the living room; everyone knows it’s there and most are willing to talk about it.

If the intent was to actually cause a change… wasn’t going to happen. seriously, I can think of no action the various participants could have taken to have had such an impact by this point in time.