
Tech Note: New Sharing Tool

FurryOldGuyJeans1/08/2009 9:05:06 pm PST

re: #637 esch

Wups sorry had to step away.

It seems that when people invest most of their happiness and security in a messianic political leader (Hope and Change, for example), they’ll do just about anything to prevent that leader from failing. Especially if that leader gives ‘em a nudge and a wink that they won’t be penalized for it (“Get in people’s faces”).

In countries where most of the populace is disarmed, the critics and naysayers conveniently start to disappear. That won’t happen here, for obvious reasons, but what exactly are they willing to do when he starts to fail in earnest?

Don’t be so sure that it won’t happen here again since it already has; WWI and the Wilson administration. Look it up.