
Obama at Notre Dame

LGoPs5/17/2009 1:46:57 pm PDT

re: #635 MacDuff

Having atended 12 years of Catholic Schools, I can attest to the fact that Catholics don’t interperet dirctly from the text of the Bible.
In fact, we read and studied the Bible very little, oddly enough.

As for the invasion of Iraq, well, the Vatican seems to be staffed with far too many deep thinkers, and far too few realists that don’t seem to realize that pacifism in the face of evil is no virtue.

I’ll second that. 16 years of catholic eduction here and I rarely if ever had nuns or priests qoute the Bible. I respect the Boble and what it represents but am generally unschooled in its content, despite all that parochial education. And I certainly don’t take it literally.