
NAACP Passes Resolution Condemning Tea Party Racism

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/13/2010 9:10:47 pm PDT

Fox News website is now running the slightly longer AP version of the Iowa billboard story:

Iowa Tea Party Billboard Compares Obama to Hitler

“That’s just a waste of money, time, resources and it’s not going to further our cause,” said Shelby Blakely, a leaders of the Tea Party Patriots, a national group. “It’s not going to help our cause. It’s going to make people think that the tea party is full of a bunch of right-wing fringe people, and that’s not true.”

Blakely also expressed outrage at linking Obama to Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany who oversaw the killing of 6 million Jews and whose invasions of neighboring countries led to World War II.

“When you compare Obama to Hitler, that to me does a disservice to the Jews who both survived and died in the Holocaust and to the Germans who lived under Nazi regime rule,” Blakely said.

John White, an Iowa coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, said that he can understand the North Iowa group’s perception that Obama is “Hitler-esque,” but he thinks the billboard is offensive and unproductive. White said that he planned to discuss the matter with national tea party officials.
