
Tech Note: New Sharing Tool

realwest1/08/2009 9:06:36 pm PST

re: #615 Noam Sayin’
HEY NOAM! Whoa that’s some cunninng mouse you got there.
Had the same thing when I lived in NYC - mofo would come out into the living room at night while me and the most recent former Mrs. realwest and I were watching TV and just stare at us from maybe 15 feet away! First night he scurried away while I was reaching for something to throw at him.
Second night I was ready - mofo shows up, I throw knife, he’s gone like a bat outta hell and we then had a knife sticking outta the wall right where his head was. The former Mrs. realwest was not amused.
The next day I borrowed a friends CO2 powered pellet gun and…………he didn’t show up. Or the next night. So I put pellet gun away and……….yup, he came back out, sat there staring at us and I could SWEAR I heard a little mouse chorttle before he scampered off again.
Finally got him with a combination of pellets and glue trap.
Screw it Noam, if you don’t live in an apartment building, get a shotgun and blow his smart ass away!