
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

Walter L. Newton5/29/2009 10:04:05 pm PDT

re: #633 iceweasel

That’s a good point. In addition to the individual attacks on each of them, they were both on the receiving end of identical misogynistic ones. Much the same dynamic is happening now with Sotomoyer.

Here is the dynamics that is happening with Sotomayor. She has made statement indicating that her Latina heritage makes her opinions superior than others opinions. Period. That’s it. The press secretary Gibbs said that she chose her words badly and Obama has backed up that statement.

And unfortunately, you have some conservative idiots who have gone too far in their commenting on this issue.

But, other than the conservative idiots, there are many moderate conservatives who find Sotomayors comments very bothersome.

Sotomayor herself is solely responsible for the dynamics.