
Seth Meyers: Beltway Insiders Ludicrously Blame Progressives for Republicans Winning Big in Virginia

JC111/04/2021 12:37:08 pm PDT

re: #61 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

They want a dumbed down version of history to teach kids. Honestly, the more history I learn and I’m usually reading something historical (listening to the Power Broker now), the more I realize how significant a role race has played in our country and that to deny it is absurd. Highly recommend everyone watch Henry Louis Gates’ four part series on Reconstruction. Infuriating to watch really because Reconstruction had it succeeded in its proponents intentions would have had this country in a much better direction post 1865.

I think that you’re giving them too much credit. They (the GOP politicians) don’t really care what gets taught in schools. Their kids go to boarding schools and Ivy League colleges. CRT is just the latest outrageous outrage of the day, like migrant caravans and whatever BS issue they spin up every cycle to rile up their base.