
'Lucy' Goes Digital

Catttt2/08/2009 12:23:23 pm PST

re: #54 pre-Boomer Marine brat

It’s been ages since I saw Elmer Gantry, and I don’t remember a lot about it. That said, I can easily visualize Burt Lancaster (*salute* to the actor) intoning something like that.

re: #54 pre-Boomer Marine brat

It’s been ages since I saw Elmer Gantry, and I don’t remember a lot about it. That said, I can easily visualize Burt Lancaster (*salute* to the actor) intoning something like that.

Great movie. I can see Burt Lancaster using his last line, spoken just before he hands over his Bible and quits the evangelism biz: “When I was a child, I understood as a child and spake as a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things.”