
Anti-Abortion Activists: Tiller's Church 'Brought Damnation On Themselves'

~Fianna9/27/2009 6:57:07 pm PDT

re: #50 VioletTiger

How did these people find each other before the internet I wonder?

Zines, propaganda handed out at places like gun shows - note, I’m not bashing on guns, most gun owners or gun shows… but as anyone who has been to one can attest, you’ll find at least one table full of self-published books of crazy conspiracy goodness and a lot of Nazi memorabilia at most gun shows. When I was part of the LP, I did a shift at our table at the gun show and while most of the other vendors and attendees were really cool, there was a noticeable minority of folks who were … shall we say a few rounds shy of a full magazine.