
Tech Note: The LGF Image Library App

A Mom Anon9/23/2012 3:49:48 pm PDT

re: #28 dragonfire1981

Did you read the comments too? I related to alot of those. I don’t know how anyone who has ever been poor can forget those things if they were lucky enough to get out. Every asshole congresscritter and other elected official should have to SEE that,if not live it. Look it right in the eye,be forced to deal without their wallet and cell phone handy.

We’re the best in the world,you hear it all the time,USA! USA! Well,damn it,if that’s the norm for anyone,then no,no we aren’t. I know I am lucky to be a woman in America as opposed to alot of other places,but that still doesn’t mean this country isn’t due for some damned upgrades. How we treat our poor is nothing to be proud of.