
The Ultimate Earworm: Jazz That Nobody Asked For

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/09/2013 3:14:18 pm PST

re: #62 AlexRogan

Why not?

There is a reason for that, you know.

No, there really isn’t. Or it’s a very poor reason. The original reason states were granted power under the Constitution was that the states already existed as incorporated things, and they didn’t want to give up the power and autonomy they had. The ideas about them being laboratories of democracy is pretty and all, but the massive disparity of wealth, population, geography, natural resources, etc. etc. means it’s rare that something from one state will actually benefit another state. It also means that democracy is weakened, since the voters in Idaho have an enormous amount of power compared to the voters in California; it privileges certain people simply because of where they live.