
What Right Wing Racism?

Jadespring3/13/2010 9:53:03 pm PST

re: #642 prairiefire

Hey, how is your hornet sting? You went to the hospital?

Yep after I logged off I talked with the hubby and we decided to take a trip into emerg. The sting was swelling like crazy and sending shooting pains across my chest to my shoulders and up my neck. I wasn’t worried that I was going to go into some sort of shock that was life threatening but it was worrisome enough that I wasn’t sure if antihistmine pill would cut it. So I went and got a shot and within about 1/2 hour it started to go away. I think I was there for about 45 mins.

Now I have to be concerned about becoming sensitized to it so since it’s more then likely I will get stung again at some point we’re going to get an epi-pen for our home first aid kit just to be safe.