
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

realwest2/09/2009 8:34:41 am PST

re: #395 Sharmuta
You know Sharm, there are times when it’s actually beneficial to READ what a poster says.
I said:
“I sincerely doubt that “creationists” are trying to cram creationism down our throats. People who are at or support the Disco Institute YES. But I know a few “creationists” who, quite frankly, don’t care whether or not I believe in creationism (other than, I suppose, perhaps praying for my salvation). I’ve engaged them in discussing YEC (which they all seem to be) and talk about carbon dating and all and they smile and say something to the effect of “to each his own”. Now the Disco Institute, Ben Stein and his lot DO CARE ABOUT cramming it down our throats and about teaching it in the public schools, but as wrong and as slimy as I think they are, I really don’t see them calling for genocide, ya know?

You seem to think that everyone who beleives in creationism is working hard for the same goals as the Disco Institute and Ben Stein. As if creationists had some sort of “club” where you have to pledge to try to MAKE others believe in what you say. That’s simply NOT true.