
Overnight Open Thread

ayatollah ghilmeini4/05/2009 7:19:36 am PDT

Sunday Thoughts

North Korea sent a message to the world: they are a dangerous lunatic nation and don’t give a damn about their people, their neighbors or anything other than the mercurial desires of their criminal leadership.

Kudos to Mrs. Clinton and President Obama for displaying the weakness of character and personal strength, I call it appeasement, the naive belief that lunatic regimes can be contained- appeasement actually induces totalitarian regimes to misbehave. The North Korean Launch was a gauntlet thrown down to the Asia-Pacific community. Sadly, the one nation most able to meet the challenge, got stupid in November and no longer even knows how to speak to dictators. Iran will see this and speed forward on their nukes.

Bad news China, Japan is about to rearm! The Japanese have the money and technology to set off a Pacific arms race as not seen since the 30s. They have no choice in the matter- if they want to protect their people (crazy notion that!) they need to have the means to do so. They will. China, Korea and Japan have been having disagreements since the Ghengiz Khan; a fresh round of “fun” is in the offing. Yes Bush did not finish this vile regime off but he tried to do it through the Chinese and only glommed onto the strategy in 2005. He should have started on them sooner and Obama would have been wise to retain the Bush Korea team to keep the pressure on.

As bad as their efforts are in Pacific, the Middle East is loaded with explosives and the fuse is lit.

Mrs. Clinton and Obama are dead set on their peacemaking foray. This will inevitably lead to war. Israel’s leadership has seen these clowns in action and come up with a shocking realization: Israel is alone. Obama just joined the UN HUman Rights Council- if ever there was proof of not having a clue, or worse dangerous internationalist arrogance, joining up with a body that has never criticized Sudan or China but has “devoted” 90% of its work (post reform mind you) to castigating and delegitimizing Israel is the gold standard. The HRC (odd initials that!) was spun from failure with failure as its goal by the very people who make the lives of billions miserable. These are the people who have to blame the Jews because otherwise the truth of their misrule would lead to new faces on the very same council.

But Obama-Clinton are going further still: tacitly approving the UK’s reacharoundout to Hezbollah while the US reachesaround to Hamas, the west’s two greatest powers have developed a new benchmark in ill informed diplo-stupidity: they will now speak with the “political” parts of Hamas and Hezbollah. The problem with this is both organizations are Jihad organizations; Jihad is war and violence, the lines of separation between the political and terror wings of these two groups exist only in the minds of the credulous. This would be true even if they were not totally funded by criminal activity and Iran (sort of redundant). So dear is the idea of peace, that like Mm. Albright chasing after Arafat in her heals, they are chasing after equally irredeemable and warlike folks with no hope whatsoever of any good, much less any peace coming form their efforts. It would be funny if a lot of people were not going to get killed by these dangerously stupid ideas.

War is coming. War is coming fast.