
Overnight Open Thread

Kenneth6/11/2009 7:00:44 am PDT

re: #599 avanti

“These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl….

Letterman is a liar. Here’s his monologue:

Monologue %P% Aired Monday night on CBS: You know who was in town this weekend, went to a Yankee game? Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska. And she was up there with Rudy Giuliani. They were sitting together. And their seats were, well, let me tell you where their seats were. They were way, way in far right field. They were so far right. Crazy.

And, they had a wonderful time. The toughest part of her visit was keeping Elliot Spitzer away from her daughter. That was tough.

One awkward moment during the game. Maybe you heard about it. Maybe you saw it on one of the highlight reels. One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the 7th inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.

Sarah Palin got there early and she was taken to her seat, shown to her seat, by Joe the Usher.

While she was at the Yankee game, Sarah Palin managed to spend $150,000 on hats and t-shirts.

But Sarah Palin — it was exciting, because everybody loves New York City and she spent the entire weekend here in New York City.

It was indeed a joke about having sex with a 14 year old girl.

Where are the outraged calls for Letterman to be fired? You know that if a conservative talk show host made similar jokes about Obama’s kids, his career would be finished.