
Suddenly Contraceptives Are Controversial?

NJDhockeyfan2/09/2012 7:46:41 am PST

Madonna fan asks Israel to delay Iran attack until after concert

For the love of Madonna…

An Israeli fan has apparently set up a Facebook group (I can’t find the actual page, which is in Hebrew, so if one of my peeps happens to find it, I’d be ever so grateful) pleading with Israel to postpone any possible attack on Iran until after the American pop singer’s slated performance in May.

“Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna’s performance on May 29,” the anonymous enthusiast pleads to Israeli Prime MInister Benjamin Netanyahu in the newly created group, AFP reports.

This person sounds deeply concerned with the finer points of world peace and democracy. What’s that old saying again? Oh right, you can’t spell “fanatic” without “fan.”