
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

austin_blue6/26/2009 6:43:46 pm PDT

re: #644 Bagua

Because it is economically unsound to “do it now.” Instead of putting a choke hold on industry, we should be working to collapse the price of crude oil, NG, Coal, Nuclear, etc. the resulting cheap energy will lead us to a golden age in which we will no doubt make massive progress in a variety of alternatives. It is much easier to make progress with lots of money and productivity. The greenie agenda will do the opposite, it will starve us.

As has been pointed out, the requirements of this bill kick in relatively slowly. By your reasoning, it will *never* be “economically sound” to act, because you believe that acting will make the economy unsound. That’s a circular argument. In addition, we would never be able to go to China and India and say “You first.” They would laugh their asses off at such condescension. We must lead. We always have and should continue to do so.

One more point. Industry has always screamed disaster at any bill that forces them to change. The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts were going to ruin the economy. They didn’t. And research seem show that for every dollar spent, over two were made in innovative products, new markets, and public health savings.