
NYT: The Story Behind Dr. Tiller's Murder

Salamantis7/27/2009 9:52:03 pm PDT

re: #631 Ian MacGregor


Discusses miscarriage rates. The rate for known pregnancies is between 15 and 20%. Higher than I expected, but the 33% quoted must include miscarriages by women who never new she was pregnant. Besides even if the rate were 90% does that justify purposely taking the life of another human being.

Human beings are persons. Zygotes, embryos and fetuses are not persons.

Freedom is not the ability to do whatever we please, freedom is the ability to do good. Taking the life of a child in a womb is not doing good.

Zygotes, embryos and fetuses are not children. Children are BORN. And peoples’ definition of good varies. Is it good to allow a woman to die against her will in order to bring a motherless infant into the world?

A fetus is not a potential human being it is a human being with potential. Legally it is not a person, but that does not mean it is not worth protecting. If a life-saving procedure results in the death of a fetus the death of a fetus, the doctor needs to perform that procedure without hesitation. However the doctor should make a practice of killing children in the womb.

Nice wordplay in the service of a purposefully emotionally laden medical misconstrual. Possible ain’t potential, and human beings are persons, and persons are born.

Most of the country is now pro life. I doubt most want and end to all abortions, but certainly want to see the practice curtailed, and late term abortions stopped.

There are only about a thousand third trimester abortions performed per year in the US out of 6 million pregnancies per year, and there isn’t a whole lot of room to reduce that number without piling up dead and permanently maimed women. And part of being pro life is respecting the rights of those lives to make their own life choices.