
Poseur Alert: Breitbart/CNN Commentator Dana Loesch Supported RomneyCare

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)10/10/2011 8:45:38 am PDT

This is what “third position”/”third way” populism in the U.S. pretty much always devolves into: drone-like invocation of “The Founding Fathers” and vile anti-semitism:

Highest ranking comments at an Alex Jones YouTube video in which he urges OWS protesters and Tea Partiers to “Break Your Left-Right Conditioning”:

Be a Democratic-Republican like Thomas Jefferson

razz187 32 thumbs up


Financial Enemy of Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, & America - Jew

1. Goldman Sachs CEO, Lyold Blankfein - Jew

2. IMF Deputy CEO, John Lisky - Jew

3. Ex IMF CEO, Dominic Strauss - Jew

4. World Bank CEO, Robert Zoellick - Jew

5.Ex World Bank CEO, James Woolfesen - Jew

6.Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke - Jew

7.Ex Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan -Jew

8.Obama Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner -Jew

9.George Bush Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson -Jew
Stevie68000 19 thumbs up