
Michael Savage Banned in Britain

yesandno5/05/2009 9:25:21 am PDT

re: #15 LGoPs

I don’t listen to Savage but the precedent being set is troubling. Who decides and who defines what is hateful.
If we can argue into infinity what the meaning of the word is is, imagine the arguments over what constitutes unacceptable views.

You hit the nail on the head. We forget that we protect freedom of speech to a greater degree then any other nation. This is what happens when you criminalize actions and thoughts into things like hate crimes or hate speech. Sometimes the majority doesn’t get it right. A crime is a crime. Making it a hate crime doesn’t really make something like murder any worse…it might explain intent, but the result is the same.

Freedom of speech needs to be protected everywhere…. The Brits are more concerned with feelings then with freedom…no cartoons either.