
Tuesday Afternoon Open

austin_blue8/25/2009 6:06:19 pm PDT

re: #637 Gus 802

Like being compelled, forced, to buy health insurance. If I am correct. Already can’t make ends meet and if I don’t I’ll get a 2.5% tax added to my income. Or whatever comes out of congress in the end — if anything. Typically it means self-employed people like myself are up the creek.

Gus, here’s the thing.

Let’s say you are driving to work and an unemployed drunk runs a red light (God forbid) and T-bones you. You get taken to the ER with a closed head wound and are placed in an induced coma to reduce brain swelling. You don’t die, but you are pretty much gorked for three years, with rehab, home care, &c. You *will* get treated under the system in place, and it will cost north of a million bucks. Guess who pays for it? Your neighbors.

Is that fair? Is that equitable? Fact is, we are *already* paying for the uninsured, with very little cost control. It’s a stupid system, IMO.