
What Right Wing Extremists?

Tantor4/18/2009 6:20:22 pm PDT

Charles: “National Socialism, as applied to Nazism and neo-Nazism, is NOT a left wing ideology, and it is NOT socialism. Socialism promotes a classless society — Nazism is rigidly class-oriented and deeply racist.”

One of the principles of Nazism was Volksgemeinschaft, the attainment of a classless society.

Charles: “Socialism promotes redistribution of wealth — Nazism consolidated wealth into the hands of big industrialists and bankers.”

Nazism promoted the idea of a Volkstaat, a welfare state dedicated to promote those of the Aryan race. When the Nazis invaded Poland, they went into Jewish businesses, told the Jewish owners to leave, and gave them to German citizens. The Nazis, as everyone knows, redistributed wealth on a gargantuan scale, right down to the gold in the teeth of their Jewish victims and the hair on their heads.

Charles: “Socialism promotes the end of national states — Nazism was the ultimate patriotic/nationalistic society.”

That’s your interpretation, not shared by the many socialist parties in various states like Venezuela, Bolivia, Saddam’s Iraq, China, North Korea, Vietnam, et al. All of these countries are/were socialist while none of them pay anything but lip service to expanding their socialist program beyond their borders. The reason Hitler improved on socialism with National Socialism was that he discovered that nationalism had a stronger pull with the workers than pure socialism.

Charles: “I could go on. The idea that National Socialism was equivalent to Marxism is ludicrous and wrong. This was and is a right wing ideology to its core.”

Nazism was both anti-Marxist and anti-capitalist. Hitler thought Marxism was a Jewish conspiracy, so he promoted Nazism as a non-Jewish socialism. Hitler was inspired by the success of Mussolini’s Fascists, a variant of the socialism, and copied much of their program and tactics.

Charles, you need to rethink your position on this.