
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Salamantis2/21/2009 12:43:54 pm PST

re: #619 Edge

I’m not moving any goalposts because I never claimed that the academic freedom has nothing to do with creationism. I’m just pointing out that on a scale that includes what is happening to our economy and national security, this stuff is small potatoes. That doesn’t mean you should stop educating people about this issue, as it is indeed helpful, but just don’t expect me to work myself into a frenzy about a tempest in a teapot. You will one day see that my prediction is was exactly correct.

You don’t think it hamstrings the future national security and economic position of the United States to have a shortage of future bioscientists, which is what polluting high school science classes with creationist dogma will ultimately result in? What about an inability to quickly design and manufacture a vaccine response to a terrorist bioweapons atack? What about products and services in the bioscience and biotechnology field being innovated, invented, manufactured and sold by our economic competitors instead of us?

Clearly, you have not thought the dire consequences and ramifications through.