
Obama News Conference

Daria Emmons6/23/2009 11:13:29 am PDT

Obama’s words were stronger, but not strong enough.

This idea about respecting Iran’s sovereignty is patently absurd. Obama has no problem disrespecting Israeli sovereignty.

But moreover, Obama made it seem like the USA is just witnessing what is going on and can do nothing at all. In fact, the following can and should be done:

(1) State clearly that all negotiations with Iran regarding its nuke program will be ground to a halt until there is a showing they respect the rule of law. (including disinviting the mullahs to the US 4th of July picnic)

(2) Convene nations together and convince those we can affect to stop exporting processed fuel into Iran. This means telling Germany, India, Bahrain, and other countries that they will feel the American might if they do not stop selling processed fuel to Iran.

(3) Stop calling Iran the “Islamic Republic of Iran.” That itself grants legitimacy to the Iranian regime.

This is for starters.