
Texas Senate Anti-Choice Debate: Tampons Confiscated, Guns Not a Problem

Blind Frog Belly White7/12/2013 2:21:01 pm PDT

re: #59 wrenchwench

Those galleries are pretty high up. You’d only have to toss it a little ways out and let it fall. But don’t forget IT WAS A LYING RUMOR!

Again and again with these assholes, I’m reminded of a story I heard about Khrushchev. After Stalin died and Kruschev consolidated power, his adversaries expected him to have them killed, because it’s what they’d have done in his place.

Khrushchev told them, “You measure others by your own yardstick.”

I think it’s the same with the Teapublicans. They expect Dems, women, blacks, latinos, gays etc. to do what they would do in the same place. This is probably why they’re scared shitless of becoming an ethnic minority in the US - because they expect to be treated the way they’ve treated others.