
Excellent Solo Acoustic Guitar: Mike Dawes - Boogie Slam

iossarian4/10/2013 7:34:25 am PDT

re: #63 Decatur Deb

From Freep gun control thread—The swiftboating of John McCain accelerates:

Senator “Establishment Partnership to combat Conservatism” McCain is leading the charge.
McCain, the infamous hoarse whisperer along with his Senate pals, has become RINO pondscum. Juan, et al, is unworthy of anything but approbation from real Americans and is a disgrace to his office and the State he supposedly represents.
He, and his Rino admirers, cheapens the sacrifice of every soldier that ever fought for this Nation. His accomplishments while a U. S. Navy officer are destroying several expensive aircraft while grandstanding and being captured after his last crash by the North Vietnamese. He has since returned to Vietnam to kiss their asses.

Geez. I’m not one to laud the military but at least McCain fucking went to Vietnam. Not that this makes him a good person or someone who’s fit to make important decisions, but you’d at least like a little consistency from the war freaks.