
Wednesday Afternoon Change Locus

LGoPs1/28/2009 2:41:28 pm PST

re: #656 ArmyWife

No one can beat our military’s might as things stand now. What about when the defense budget is slashed? Or when their hands are tied in ways to collect intelligence? Or they can’t respond appropriately when the intell they do get indicates a bad situation?

Good point. Many people don’t realize that while it takes many years to develop and hone a miltary machine like we have, it can be dulled almost overnight.

Case in point: In 1945 we had arguably the most powerful and well trained miltary force in the world. 5 years later, in 1950, that same miltary suffered the debacle of Task Force Smith in Korea. Smith was the task force out of Japan that responded to the initial North Korean attack.
We recovered from that of course, but the point is that it takes but a little neglect to run down your military.