
We Got Mail!

Kosh's Shadow4/06/2009 1:32:17 pm PDT

re: #646 funky chicken

Well, yeah, of course. But having been married to an AF pilot for many moons, I can tell you that never, never happens. My husband has flown sorry old shit since we’ve been married with avionics and maintenance issues that would get an entire civilian airline grounded for good.

We desperately need new tankers, and have needed them for years. The Airbus/Northrup Grumman plane is a good one, and would be built in Mobile, Alabama. But the democrats want to force the USAF to buy the one from Boeing, to keep the economy humming for those moonbats in Seattle.

etc, etc

I do have a problem with the Europeans controlling our aircraft parts, though. What if we needed something and they decided we shouldn’t have it, because we supported Israel and they didn’t? (I know, fat chance that 0 would support Israel…)