
Discovery Institute's Klinghoffer: 'Darwin's Tree of Death'

Salamantis4/23/2009 11:07:46 pm PDT

re: #663 Cato

Eugenics is nothing other than creationism/ID, with megalomaniacal people usurping, or desiring to usurp, the roles of gods over the lives and choices of their fellow human beings.

This position is contrary to the avowed position of every eugenicist of the early 20th century. Whether or not it is correct is irrelevant to what THEY thought their motivation was, and they thought it was explicitly Darwinian. This is why I agree with Dawkins that the theory itself must be divorced from its political practioners. It isn’t a political theory, it is a scientific one. You can’t derive “ought” from “is”.

Science is neither communist nor fascist nor capitalist nor democratic nor theocratic, etc; it is empirical - not political, and not religious. Those who self-servingly misconstrue otherwise in order to futilely endeavor to justify their dubious actions are themselves at fault for such actions and their consequences, the fault lies not with the science to which they illegitimately appeal.