
Religious Right Attacks Southern Poverty Law Center

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]12/15/2010 5:31:32 pm PST

re: #657 lostlakehiker

I don’t know about “those people”, but some of us do straddle the fence. Against gay marriage, but against DADT, say. And not about to throw anybody in jail much less kill them for being gay. Not about to let it happen politically, either.

We are your political opponents on one issue, your allies on another. Not your mortal enemies. We don’t wear suits, we don’t drive nice cars, and we aren’t barbarians.

here’s my thing about being against gay barriage.

Do you believe that americans are equal under the law? Like the constitution says?

I don’t know how one squares separate and not equal (what we have now) with equality under the law (what i want.)

I don’t think you’re a barbarian, however! you are totally misguided and on the wrong side of history. This will happen, and our hypothetical nieces and nephews and children and grandchildren will shake their heads in wonder that our country ever discriminated against gay people or told them that their union was lesser, or that marriage was some kind of instution whose parameters were dictated by the superstitious, or barred them from adopting, or scared schools into firing us, or witchhunted us at PTA meetings, or wrote down our license plate numbers and stalked us, or cornered our kids in locker rooms because their mom was a lesbian, or pulled a knife on us in a parking lot.

For the misfortune of being a queer. All the shit above happened to me, my brother(who wasn’t even gay! But hung out with gay students) or close friends of my family.

if you are against gay marriage, you oin a small way help legitimize discrimination. You stand on the side of people who believe that they’re just a bit MORE equal than we are because of who they’re attracted to. You know, gays are American? But with an asterisk. We can fuck! We just can’t get rights where it counts. Fuck all you want! But hospital visitation? raising a family together? Hold on their champ! This is a Christian Nation!

Them’s the facts. If you believe in my America, you believe we all have the same rights. if you don’t believe we all the same rights, you still believe in America! Just the…older America. The one my parents talk about when Martin luther King day rolls around each year.