
Radiohead: Lotus Flower

boxhead3/01/2011 1:20:49 am PST

re: #668 Gus 802

And so going back to what I said above. America having this father complex or guilt complex which started in 1939 thinks they’re the world’s policeman. Even though we really can’t afford it we do it anyway: play world cop. And that costs trillions. We’ve been at is since December 7, 1941 or nearly 70 years ago. So we have the right wing that’s all amped up to fight in these war or escapades (in theory) who are so committed that they want to sacrifice our very own nation just to fight in war that might provide closure for their never ending guilt for having ignored the Nazis prior to 1941 until the Japanese (an Axis power) attacked Pearl Harbor. Because if it wasn’t for Pearl Harbor the USA would have remained an isolationist nation.

Is it a father complex or just an outright play for USA tax dollars for the military industrial complex?