
Tuesday Afternoon Open

callahan233/31/2009 2:38:20 pm PDT

re: #613 callahan23

DAVID HARRIS’ antipathy to exposing the al Dura hoax is entirely consistent with his advice to the Obama administration (as well as other foreign governments) to participate in the planning of the Jew-hating stimulus package known as Durban II - against the wishes of the State of Israel. Now he is viciously attacking three of Israel’s best defenders - Caroline Glick, Melanie Phillips and Anne Bayefsky - for advocating an immediate and unequivocal boycott.

A thundering critique of David Harris, Executive Director of the American Jewish Committee, by Philippe Karsenty: ‘The American Jewish Committee deserves better leadership’ Read on. The writer is a French media critic and the defendant in the Al-Dura trial in Paris.