
The Audreys: Sometimes the Stars

Velvet Elvis3/14/2011 10:25:31 am PDT

re: #638 Obdicut

Oh, this is awesome.

As I mentioned, my friend’s younger sister tried to kill herself.

The hospital, it turns out, released her after this, even though she explicitly said she wished that it had worked and they judged her to be a harm to herself and others.

The reason given was that they had no psychiatric beds, due to budget cuts.

This is Arizona.

Anyone know if a hospital can actually discharge someone they determine to be a danger to themselves? Is that allowed?

This why it’s such a joke when people say “why didn’t someone get him help?” in regard to some mentally ill gunman who shoots a bunch of people. I’m bipolar with no health insurance. Help is as hard as hell to get when you want it badly and have the wherewithal to deal dozens of different applications to dozens of different places and turning all your financial information over to anyone that asks and then waiting for a couple months.

I’ve been stable for over ten years and hope I stay that way because it’s a struggle to deal with all the paperwork when my brain is working right. There is no way a person with broken brain could do it.

State psych hospitals are useless anyway. They do no therapy. They just watch you and keep you drugged until you’re too out of it to care anymore and send you home with the IQ of a carrot. Real treatment after a suicide attempt costs at minimum $20k a week and insurance pays 3/4ths of it if you’re lucky.