
Overnight Open Thread

Honorary Yooper5/19/2009 7:35:57 am PDT

Came across a very strange article out of Pakistan this morning. Someone over there has a serious case of Cheney Derangement Syndrome.

‘US special squad killed Benazir’

Former prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on the orders of the special death squad formed by former US vice-president Dick Cheney, which had already killed the Lebanese Prime Minister Rafique Al Hariri and the army chief of that country.
The squad was headed by General Stanley McChrystal, the newly-appointed commander of US army in Afghanistan. It was disclosed by reputed US journalist Seymour Hersh while talking to an Arab TV in an interview.

Anyone know more about this Seymour Hersh? He sounds like a bona-fide moonbat. I mean, I’ve seen conspiracy theory crap in the past, but this takes the cupcake.

Maybe Hersh should meet with Alex Jones. They’d have such a great time together.