
Cordoba House Developers: 'Hamas Does Not and Will Not Speak For Us'

Cato the Elder8/16/2010 7:25:02 pm PDT

re: #670 Lidane

Newt = a bigoted douchebag who will say anything to stay relevant and keep his little bit of power within the GOP.

Harry Reid = a pandering douchebag who will say anything to stay relevant and keep his little bit of power within the Dems, even if that means siding with bigots over Park51.

I’m not surprised he opened his pie hole. He’s running against a raving lunatic and wants to keep his job, so he’ll shamelessly pander in order to do it.

How do you know, in your heart, that Newt isn’t the pander and Harry isn’t the bigot?

You don’t. But it just won’t do to call a Democrat a bigot, now, will it?