
Herman Cain Email: The Media Are 'Obsessed'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/08/2011 6:44:52 am PST

re: #668

I haven’t seen anyone here deny that white supremacists, militia members, and JBS people really are present at and blending into the TP protests, and through their presence, have infiltrated the TP “movement” .

And I haven’t seen anyone here deny that anarchists and vandals are present at the Occupy places. So, that’s nice.

The biggest difference between the Tea Party and the Occupy people remains, to me, that the complaints of the Tea Party people were largely ficticious, and the complaints of the Occupy people are largely real. We really do have a gigantic divide between the ultrawealthy and the rest of us in this country. The banks really did have the main part in causing the financial meltdown, and yet their executives and officers have profited from the bailouts. The increase in income in this country over the past 30 years really has gone to the upper-income earners while middle and lower-class incomes have remained flat. These are real concerns.

I still don’t ‘support’ Occupy insofar as I think that:

A) “occupying” a public space at night causes a lot of problems for very low benefit. Reconvening daily would be a hell of a lot better, and remove the main bully stick from those criticizing them and

B) A lot of the people at Occupy are ideological non-voters. Ideological non-voters are not going to effect political change in this country, because political change involves voting.