
Obama News Conference

hazzyday6/23/2009 12:32:47 pm PDT

re: #671 horse

Hmmm, I traced the long thread of posts back to this comment. You do realize the story is not Drudge’s, it was written by Michael Calderone at Politco - [Link:…] It is a pretty well documented article with several sources. So, all your somewhat snide comments about drudge etc.. are irreverent to the actual story. You might want to actually read the story and get the details before you spend numerous comments deriding it and the people mentioning it.

Kilgore being a unique prolific mostly positive commenter has reached the fork in the road he was aiming for. All this broad based brushing of the LGF members and conflating them with the crazies is something he is shooting for. I think the lesson here is on Kilgore’s side not on the members side. When one feels passionate about issues it is sometimes hard to maintain a reasonable perspective. It takes effort that one doesn’t always want to make. It’s a theme particular to LGF logic. We disagree with something and we unable to define the focus of our disagreement. All,More, some, most, you, it are neutral words that acquire a context of intent and emotion. It seems wise inside the blog to make the effort to respond to honest questions and to be specific on issues. And have some links or facts to back the statements up. For Kilgores volume of commentary he does this as well as anyone. Even in the fast moving threads.

A lot of the noise generation Kilgore is complaining about is Kilgore generated. Kilgore has stepped up a lot of times for the blog. The noise generation is just a personal weakness that’s up to him if he wants to overcome it or not. It adds some flavor but can also give heartburn.

Sharmuta, Kilgore, Zombie, and Charles(and others) have all put themselves out there. Open to criticism on a constant basis. I have not. I can retreat easily away from my sniping. They do the yeomans work.

But over time I do think we are seeing a rise in the level of discussion. A quickness and sharpness in deflating the fallible balloons people launch. Much to their dismay.