
The James O'Keefe Scandal Gets Worse: Ex-Staffer Says He Crossed a Line With Vile 'Kill Cops' Stunt

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing3/21/2015 1:04:20 am PDT

Frat Suspended Over Notebook With Disturbing Entries On Rape, Lynching

Local TV station WRAL reported a “pledge book” that appeared to belong to NC State’s chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was found Thursday at a restaurant near campus. The book was filled with “racially and sexually charged language and derogatory comments about women and children,” according to the news outlet.

“It will be short and painful, just like when I rape you,” one comment read.

“If she’s hot enough, she doesn’t need a pulse,” another said.

“That tree is so perfect for lynching,” read a third.