
New From Seth Meyers: GOP Rushes Kavanaugh Hearing Amid Trump's Legal Woes

Hecuba's daughter9/04/2018 7:44:12 pm PDT

I am confused about one aspect of the Tillman discussion from downstairs:

re: #187 Targetpractice

Tillman was anti-Iraq War, anti-Bush and was planning to meet with Noam Chomsky for an interview after his tour of duty had ended. He was shot three times in the head at close range, his uniform and body armor burned by his squad, and his journal from his time in Iraq remains missing to this day. The Army deliberately lied about his death, even ordering every soldier who met with his family or the press to perpetuate the lie, and congratulated each other in emails about the success in getting the public to buy that lie. The Army even falsified the citations for the medals he received posthumously to claim he was involved in enemy action and so his death was “accidental.”

In other words, Pat Tillman is an excellent example of how a well-run bureaucracy can indeed fabricate the truth to make murderers into heroes. The very sort of evil that Kaepernick has been protesting for years.

This seems to suggest that he was deliberately targeted rather than being a victim of friendly fire. Am I misinterpreting this?