
Friedersdorf: Rush the Race-Baiter

Sharmuta10/19/2009 12:54:30 pm PDT

re: #61 Walter L. Newton

I do see a troubling trend. I actually heard some weekend local talk show hosts this weekend trying to jump on the bandwagon and be BIGGER race baiters than Rush. It’s like… “well, this is working for him, I’ll give it a shot.”

And these are only part time weekend host who really couldn’t hold a candle to any national talk show host.

So, it’s possible that Rush is actually sending a signal that it’s ok to do this and do it more.

If you defend the indefensible, it legitimizes it and increases its “acceptability”. This translates into increased usage, and why wouldn’t it since by its own defense it’s no longer “indefensible”?