
Video: George Zimmerman's Father: 'So Much Hate Coming From the President'

Targetpractice3/28/2012 9:42:41 pm PDT

re: #65 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

Thank you Oprah.

Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Ablow. You, through your show, have truly bestowed upon us the greatest intellects of our generation.

No joke, had a Paulian awhile back engaging in screaming fits over the FDA, convinced by Dr. Oz that they were allowing apple juice on the market that was downright toxic with all the arsenic in it. She said we needed to get rid of the FDA and rely on guys like him to tell us what was and wasn’t safe to use.

Oh, if only the snakeoil salesman of yesteryear had the sort of audience that Oprah has granted to these yahoos.