
Monday Afternoon Open

682 4:26:11 pm PST

re: #651 jcm

They work for marketing…..
One data point makes a trend line….

I have to also wonder, though, how accurate the readings are that they use.

I worked in a city, and I had occasion a few years ago to go to one of our “satellite” offices which was literally in the middle of a forest. When I got there, it felt several degrees cooler than in the city - there wasn’t thousands of yards of concrete soaking up and radiating heat. It was just the earth and the trees.

My yard actually feels cooler than my neighbors yard - I have a gravel driveway, not concrete, and it doesn’t soak up the heat.

If whatever sensors they use to record temps are located near modern-day a/c units, or near places that have a lot of concrete around, I have to wonder how accurately those sensors are recording actual temps vs. the increased temps caused by the exhaust from the a/c units or the heat soaked in by the concrete.