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McSpiff4/11/2010 10:22:13 am PDT

re: #678 Sigma_x

“If you don’t like someone questioning your comments or your opinions, then shut the fuck up.”

1st of all - Fuck you, you little, pathetic, hiding-behind-a-computer-screen shit-talking asshole.

2ndly - What comment did I make that you even questioned? Or disagreed with? All you did was post some obnoxious comment that had no bearing on anything I said at all. You were just being antagonizing.

3rdly - Fuck you.

Try to keep the spittle off the keyboard. You stated that you believed Iran was not making progress on the bomb… because your wife doesn’t think the Mullahs can run a reactor? That’s retarded. Sorry, I’m sure she’s a sweet lady but that’s awfully clueless. The rest of will discuss things like… facts, and reality if that’s ok with you. Iran does have a reactor and they are working the Norks on missile tech at they very least, and most likely the nuclear aspect as well. I can post links to actual sources if you’d like.

So seriously. Fuck off. Your posting dribble and wondering why people aren’t basking in your intellectual glory? Fucking troll.