
Connecticut Bishops Fight Sex Abuse Bill

Liet_Kynes4/12/2010 7:11:49 pm PDT

I don’t see a problem raising the statute of limitations for criminal cases — after all the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith now routinely allows for canonical charges to be brought against prelates where the statute of limitations has already passed.

Personally and for any given generic charge I lean towards longer statutes in regards to criminal prosecutions and shorter statues towards civil prosecutions. As mentioned up thread the current civil statute for abuse of minors is 30 years. That is not unreasonably short.

When it comes to civil charges, a lot of people falsely labor under the assumption that the Catholic Church has a lot of money. It does not. Most of the wealth of the Church is tied up property and buildings — all of which cannot be sold for their value. The Church doesn’t have mandatory minimum amount for tithing - it is all free will donations. A diocese is quite large, so it has an operating budget with a lot of zeros, but a large operating budget is not a good indicator of wealth. Not exactly unreasonable for the diocese to not approve of raising the statue of limitations for civil cases — especially in this sue crazy and vindictive climate that we are now in.

Do understand that I find sexual abuse abhorrent and do apologize for and will call out by name

1.) Those (bishops, religious, and lay persons) who did not follow the teachings and laws of the Church in these manners.
2.) Those who actively perpetuated the problem through lying, hiding, transferring, and not cleaning out the seminaries.
3.) Those who meant well but following bad advice or having an unnecessary “bunker mentality” allowed for the problem to fester.

But I shall defend

1.) The Catholic Faith and the Church herself (as a people, as an institution), which is not limited to the Church Hierarchy. (I am highly anti clericalism)
2.) The right of the Church to operate her own laws and courts independently from the State and without interference from any legislature, president, or monarch.
3.) Those good Catholic religious, laity , and prelates who fight the good fight