
Pamela Geller: Obama's Gay Transgender Prostitute Nanny Led to Sandra Fluke's Rampant Promiscuity

Killgore Trout3/06/2012 10:35:09 am PST

re: #674 Saint Putin on a Toast

But this undermines your free speech argument. The effect is the same: advertisers drop him because of societal pressure. That it’s not explicit but implicit doesn’t change the end result in the slightest, and it’s the end result you were worried about, rather than the process.

I don’t think it undermines my argument at all. If companies want to advertise or not is their decision. I oppose the effort to pressure companies. All they really care about is the bottom line and they are too easily spooked by activists. It doesn’t make much difference how valid the activists claims are. All that matters to the company is the volume of calls. Anyone with enough spare time to harass advertisers can get someone fired.