
2012 Democratic Convention, the Night of Bill Clinton

NJDhockeyfan9/06/2012 9:46:29 am PDT

re: #677 A Mom Anon

There’s a pretty large subset of Christians, the end timers who believe a specific set of events have to happen before the second coming of Christ,the Rapture,Tribulation and the reign of Christ after all that. One of the key events is the return of all Jews to Israel. Since Jews are not going to be Raptured because they haven’t accepted Christ as their savior,they will be left behind and subject to slaughter by the Antichrist. I was raised in a church that taught classes about all this,based on Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth and a couple of other books. It’s really a specific support of Jews and Israel as a means to and end here. Without this interpretation of the Book of Revelations,it’s very doubtful these folks would give a rats ass about that part of the world or the Jewish people. Seriously,that’s the only context these Christians ever care a whit about when speaking of Jews and the middle east.

Is that what Mark Alan Siegel was talking about? I missed that part of his statement.