
Obama Insults Disabled People

JohnAdams3/19/2009 7:37:42 pm PDT

re: #675 robdouth

I’m with everyone in that it was stupid and insensitive and Bush would have gotten two new evil nicknames over something this idiotic, but aren’t we the side that isn’t supposed to be offended easily. I refuse to defend Obama, but can’t we just say that the D-bags on the other side that usually take offense to this are hypocrites without having to be offended. I just hate how so many politicians can’t say anything because of these gotcha comments. I remember as a kid (less than 10-15 years ago) when my brother and I used to call stupid or lame things either retarded or jewish. It was not meant as a slur at either group, one was just because it was the slang everyone was using, and the other was created as a slang by South Park without thinking of something Jewish as actually being lame and stupid. Am I alone on this one? I had to respond because of the joke below and how quickly the apology came and explanation of being silly, instead of just letting a funny joke go out there and trusting that no one would be hypersensitive enough to take offense. I miss not having to freak out about someone getting the vapors if they are offended.

Your words have iron. You should comment more.