
Scott Brown's Tea Party Honeymoon is Over

BryanS2/22/2010 9:47:45 pm PST

re: #652 Conservative Moonbat

Actually it has to do with who signs your paycheck.

Police and Fire departments are socialized. The stations are government owned buildings and cops and firemen are government employees. In socialized medicine it works the same way. All hospitals and clinics are government owned and not for profit. All health care workers are government employees just like cops and firemen.

Single payer is socialized insurance. Hospitals and Clinics are still privately owned and can be run for profit. Doctors are still independently employed when they want to be. Government just takes the place of the insurance companies and pays all the bills.

What’s being proposed is like neither of these schemes.

You can envision a process were every detail is dictated down to salary, hiring terms, work conditions, job descriptions, price of goods sold, makeup of the products sold, etc. At some point, you have socialism in-effect . Are we all the way there? No, not yet. But too close for my comfort.

I do not oppose all government regulation, but do oppose government attempts at setting prices and dictating what is sold.